Sports Massage


The Steamboat, Tumwater, Shelton, Lacey and Olympia and surrounding areas have so many great Athletes!

We have Runners, Golfers, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer Players, Weight Trainers, Bikers, Hikers, Tennis, Walkers, Racketball Players, Kayakers, Horseback Riders, Swimmers, Dancers, Gardeners, Gymnasts to name a few, and of course our Weekend Warriors with their own special sport.

Occasionally, though when we are so active our muscles can be overused or even injured during our sporting activities especially when they are not warmed up, stretched out or prepared for such an activity.

A Sports Massage is clinically proven to help increase circulation, relieve pain, enhance performance, prevent injuries and encourage healing. Sports Massage can be provided before or after an event, or during training to prevent injuries, or it can be provided after any form of muscle injury to promote faster healing.

Depending on your needs, we can use a variety of techniques to aid in your recovery. These techniques can include Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy Re-education, Myofascial Release, Ice Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy and Manual Lymph Drainage for reducing swelling. We will personally design these therapies to increase your performance, treat your injuries and most of all, to prevent future injuries.

Let Steamboat’s Practitioners help with the healing process to get you back on the field, court, gym, garden, mountain or road again.

For questions, or to make an Appointment, please call us 360.866.6479.

You will feel the difference!

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